Maayai - Tamil Movie Review

Maayai - Tamil Movie Review

Shiva and Jeni are all set to get married but a mysterious man breaks into their house and murders her entire family. He kidnaps Jeni as well and the only company she has is Jeevan, who madly loves her. He promises to free her but is everything what it seems to be?

It takes a special kind of talent to totally make a mess out of a minimalist thriller about a psycho killer with split personality disorder. And, JR Kannan does that with Maayai, which plays out as an unintentional comedy for the most parts. We cannot expect subtlety in a film that makes the villain wear T-shirts that read 'Playboy' and 'I'm bad', but we want at least a clear sense of mise-en-scene, even more so because the film's central twist revolves around multiple personality disorder. But the film has the vibe of a shoddily-made student film and it becomes difficult to take it seriously. So, when the twist comes, we feel cheated, and when we look bac

k at the past events after the revelation, it only becomes all the more illogical.